Frankenburg Technologies has announced that it will set up a plant in Latvia to manufacture short-range surface-to-air missiles to strengthen defence capabilities. The Estonian company has already…
Wind energy is one of the most promising solutions for Latvia's energy independence and climate neutrality, and there is general support for its use among the Latvian population. For example, a…
It’s the fourth year that Swedbank invites entrepreneurs to apply to compete in the national finals of the Entrepreneurship World Cup 2024. To test their strength and the potential of their business…
Today, a study was presented regarding the role of green hydrogen in the Norwegian economy and its potential development in Latvia. Currently, Norway produces 10% of Europe's total green hydrogen,…
LIAA will carry out the project "Agri-Biocircular-Hub: Center of Excellence for Smart Agriculture and Circular Bioeconomy Towards a Sustainable Agri-Food Sector in Enlargement Countries."
The Cabinet of Ministers meeting of 11 February this year approved a new programme of state support for foreign film shooting and the organisation of major events in Latvia. The announcement of the…